It was a super place.
Superb pasta,
Superb fried rice,
Superb teriyaki chicken etc.
I had this i-forgot-what pasta. Yummy! there was salmon, cheese and mushrooms in it.
Wow, it tasted so great! But, the salmon tasted a little too salty.
And yeah, i still got a free ice cream, which was called something kobumutsu? I forgot its name. But it was the camarel flavour or something.
My cousin gobbled it up like some Big Elephant. Ya, Jumbo. haha;D
i had to claim this ice cream from the counter and there was this really cute waiter who handed me the ice cream.
His smile is so .. so breath-taking! ;)
When i got back to our table, i found out that we didn't get enough spoons.
So, i went back to the counter, and that so incredibly cute waiter handed me the spoons.
This is how our conversation went,
(hands me the spoon)" I need another spoon."
" One more spoon. "(Gives me an incredibly cute smile and hands me another spoon)
( i walk away. )"Ok. "
In the lift, i spotted this small mirror.
this is Nini. ;D haha, reminds me of Jiawan.
If you actually look carefully, that blue car at the back is my mum's car.
Her 5 month old car. Rather new, right?
the 5th Lobby.
Was feeling so bored.
I know this is like a little too early to celebrate Teachers' Day, but, well, i don't mind.
Cos we, all the students, got to share the cake!
Mr. Yap boasted to us that this Big Cake actually cost $100+
Are You Sure?
she looks so, erm, tasty here?
Still eating.
We were to share 4 slices of cake on one plate.
Yuhan, SiminZhuo?, Rouyi and me shared a plate.
Today was a pretty fun day cos i got to eat alot of Delicious food. ;D
The bad thing is that, my Chinese PW worksheet was being rejected Once Again!
Damn it.