Tell me how hot Zac is.
Zac's hotness: 100 Stars. Yea, that's how hot he is.
hoohoo! Watched High School Musical: Senior Year at Bugis td with Puiling. We were so funny cos we bought our tickets and then we didn't know where the theatre was. As a result, we missed a number of commercials. ;D
The person who checked our tickets gave such blurry instructions that we just anyhow rushed into the nearest theatre, which was Theatre 1. Puiling and I sat down and on the screen was these few really cute squirrels and what we both thought that instance was that: Are we in the correct theatre? ? haaha ;D It turned out that the squirrels picture was just a movie trailer. haha ;D
This! I bought this td. It was looking so nice there and i bought it. i was thinking, if i were to wear a long sleeved shirt inside and with this outside, it will look pretty much like some winter clothes which makes it ideal for me to bring it for the Taicang trip. i'm getting really really excited about the trip! So, i'll have to start saving money if i want to buy lots and lots of things there.
Save, Save, Save! Way to go!
Haaa, this one. Saw this in one of the shops in the Bugis Junction. So cuteee, right?
Ohya, this indian guy. If you look closely, you'll find this small little popcorn on his sweater. I don't know how it actually got onto there but it's not my fault!!! Pui and I saw this when we were walking out of the theatre. So funny!!! Photo was taken by her, so i'm not the bad guy. haha ;D
The kiss! Ooooh, love this. When will it be my turn to be Gabriella in this picture? haha ;D
Gotta go now cos i want to catch the last episode of 叮当神探! O Shucks, i'm already missing the front part. Ohya, and i'm going to cut my fringe tmr afternoon! Hope it'll turn out to be greattt! Wish me luck!