Leshan didn't let us take her photo in the beginning and eventually, we got her fed up and she made this stupid face for us to take. ;D
I took them secretly from the sideways. HAHA, pro right? Zin Zin and Xinyi
Shortie. I was taking her photo when she was taking my photo. haha, ;D
Judy Bird w her feathers ( haha! ) and Jiemin staring as beackground.
Miss Chan! She didn't even realise that i took a photo of her until i told her.
Everyone's busy with their reflections.
Cranberry Rebecca. Her bear scarf looks so cute!
Yihong, Omg.
This was in Suzhou i think. Everybody's busy w their cameras.
Terry w mouth stuck out. HAHA.
Goose or Ducks? I don't know. But i think they look cute.
This is a nice picture right? Just look at the bridge behind. So many people, so now you should know how difficult it actually was to take a nice nice picture without any 'unwanted people'. haha ;D
Boat there in the picture but Vivian go block. ;(
Saw this traditional 'hat' with the one plait attached at its back. But, the hat was too small to fit my head. Not that my head is big or something ok?
Nice scenery.
Colourful flowers blossoming.
Ahhhhh. This is what i call peaceful.
I look so formal.
The tour guide told us that this was the 'thing' where the girls in the past used to see through to see how their future husbands looked like cause their faces weren't allowed to be seen before they actually get themselves married off.
Don't you have the feeling that you're watching drama series now? Many of the HongKong Dramas were filmed hereeeeee! Omg, i want to meet some stars.
Such a clear lake.
Isn't this picture nice. With all the adequate amount of brightness here and there. Such natural look photographed by me!
At night cruising the West Lake.
So blurred.
Another blurred picture.
This one is a little better.
Nice bridge.
Terry on bus.
It takes a great deal of courage.
Just went to see a few blogs. Blogs that have reopened, blogs that have never have had lack of updates. Looking at their posts, I have different kind of thoughts. Well, it's never too late to change.
Went for band yesterday and I think i'm still having that Overture rhythm going on in my head. Leon gave us lots of comments on how we should improve our playing skills. Yea, they're going to go into my head. Band gets people pressurized sometimes too.
Puiling got a successful appeal into Pure Geog. Congrats! But, Vincent's appeal failed. Shucks, this is bad. Just go look at all the people in Triple Science next year. Well, just by looking at their names, i don't think they are fun people. Prove me wrong, please.
I want to change my blogskin.