Bye, 2I3
Actually, if you do calculate, i think we have only had 3 class gatherings from when we were 1R3 -2I3. And, i went for two of them only.
Well well well, this was taken during our class chalet. I should have posted this up earlier but i couldn't find time to. I took quite alot of pictures but i don't really feel like posting them up today. See, everyone's w a smile.
And i think it's the first time i took a photo w my teeth sticking out. HAHA! Many things happened during the chalet. Most were fun.
Something really funny that happened was that when we were getting to sleep. Around 6 of us slept on the two beds which were joined together while some boys which i think was JunYuan, HongWei and Bangguo slept by the bed, which meant on the floor in their sleeping bags. People who didn't feel like sleeping went playing Mahjong downstairs.
The bed's that small, and 6 of us had to squeeze, so of course nobody could get to sleep. Yea, but i managed to actually. But, the others were talking and talking so noisily that i got woken up.
Okok, we're getting to the funny part.
My feet was stuck out, right facing Bangguo. And he just had to get up, and then his mouth touched my feet. HAHA, i was laughing like mad then.
All of us joked around until around 3am? Then we decided that we couldn't possibly get to sleep like this. So, we played games. Haha, yea, in the middle of the night.
When we tried getting to sleep again, we tried lying down in another way. And now, i slept at the direct side, which is the area of bed where you normally put your toes, but for this case, i put my head there. They were all squeezing, and i think i was squeezed by Yifang. As i was at the direct end, and they kept squeezing here and there, i almost fell off the bed you know.
Haha, but it was kind of fun.
except that, Junyuan was right under me, i mean on the floor right beside me. My blanket kept falling off a little and he kept tugging at my blanket. I was already about to fall off and he had to tug there.
The best thing was that, i've learnt how to cycle through this class chalet!!! Omg, I can't believe this. Cycling was so fun. Some of them who already knew how to cycle stayed back to teach us cycle.
Thank You! Thanks to Kamin, Puiling, Jeslyn, Hongwei, Bangguo ... !!!
We spent the rest of the time at Escape and BBQ. Mr Chan and Mr Zui went for our BBQ. I ate until my stomach was like bursting. HAHA, no wonder i always grow a few kilograms so easily.
Omg, i must control my diet. I Must!
Jiesi, Puiling, Qiaofen, Jialin, Bangguo, Hong wei and I took the MRT home together right after the BBQ. We didn't stay for the third day. Yifang, Kamin and Jeslyn was nice enough to see us off. Thanks! HAHA, we did some chatting here and there on the train.
Fun but tiring.
Going for the HW Concert tmr at 7.
Can somebody please tell me where HwaChong Institution is?