31st: Last Day
Went out with
Jiesi and
Simin leow.
Jialin and
Qiaofen left early. Planned to countdown together, but right, in the end we didn't. :D But, they gave me a really fun day. We spent the last great day of the holidays/ 2008 together, catching Bedtime Stories together. Enjoyment~
hah, this picture above. Took it while i was getting my way to the MRT station. I made an effort to not get myself late, but in the end, it was the boys who were late. Whole 30 minutes! Although i'm always late, but i hate people late still. HAHA, especially later than me.

Shaw House's Mos Burger. Managed to capture this only picture of them. Haha, coincidentally, HongWei and Bangguo were looking at my camera as i captured it. Sweden was already docking away from the camera.
At Mos Burger, Simin and I shared a Otaki? burger. Ok, i can't remember what's its name. I just can't remember this Japanese names. The whole gang talked together and I remember sitting in front of MingYao. He told me he didn't really practise his instrument. Wl, never practice and he still sounds super. i need to learn from him. HAHA :D
We walked here and there, we even went into this large book store. HAH, and it was one full of literature and those chim chim books.
Hah, reminds me of the literature book, Midsummer's Dream, people taking Literature are going to be using this year. My mum went to school to help me purchase my books and she bought that Literature book by accident.
Urm, so Literature people, if you haven't gotten that book, ( Midsummer's Dreams ) yet, maybe you will want to get it from me? Please Help.
I can't even understand a single thing about the book. It's full of poems. -.-

Jiesi and me. I think this might be the last photo we're even going to take. It was already difficult enough to have her take a photo w me. Plus, we're in the same class anymore. I really don't know what i should say. Cause i'm feeling emotional right now.
Right, we've not been familar w one another from the start. But, we didn't really need that alot of time to be more than familar w each other. She has always been cautious, and that made me cautious too. I used to not mind about anything and used to forget things easily.
I don't know. But, i really hope we can still meet up.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
I don't know what i should say here. Because you just scolded me. Yes, and it''s just. I tried buying you a nice cake which cost me $26 and getting you a nice present to make up for all the birthday presents i failed to get you these past few years.
Yes, I was little in the past, i didn't get any allowance. But, as I grew up, I remember only getting or doing you a little Birthday Card for your birthday. Once, i saw those birthday cards i made for you, this past few years, kept nicely in your closet. I really felt touched that instance. I felt that i didn't do enough, so i wanted to make this year's birthday of yours a Super one. But, you don't appreciate it. Instead of a word of thanks, you give me angry phrases out of your mouth without any thought.
I finally understand, why, why your birthday wasn't celebrated Big. Because, you don't appreciate anything people try to do for you. Instead, you find them doing something wasteful. Why try be sweet to you when you don't care.
You could have told me in a nice manner that you didn't want me spending that alot on your money, even it's for a fairly good cause. You could have, and i'll still be happy. But, you didn't. You chose the roughest way to handle this. None other than the Roughest.
Ok, let's not talk about this anymore. I'm really excited about tmr, the first day of school. And i've really got to get to school early tmr to get seats i like in class. If not it'll be last year, i can only choose to sit right in front there, because those are the only seats left already. So, meeting Jiawan at 6.45am at the school bus stop. Is this a little too early? Hope not. This way, i'll have to get up real early.
Bedtime Stories, i have been wanting watch this for like so long. Maybe the higher your expectations are, the bigger the disappointment? Hah, but it was pretty funny overall. Except that many of the parts that were supposed to be funny, weren't funny already because i saw them for so many times when watching movies these few months and they were showing movie trailers.
Haha, but i think i still laughed quite alot. The big-eyed hamster, i forgot its name already, was super cute!! Hah, i'm so going to get myself a hamster!! I remember when i was Primary 4, i got two hamsters from my neighbour and the mother hamster gave birth to four more real quickly. They looked like red rubbery balls when they were just borned. I remember getting a big shock when i woke up and saw them lying there one morning hah.
haha, the thing was that, i remember myself laughing at parts where the other audience weren't laughing. -.- Hah, maybe our senses of humour don't really match ba. Bangguo and Jiesi sat beside me during the movie and bangguo laughed quite alot. HAHA :D
Meeting Elsen tmr either in the morning or during recess to hand him something. Hah, not telling you now. I've cut my hair and fringe just today. AiJing accompanied me to the salon.
I want, or maybe i should say, I Need Tomorrow to be great. Because i really need a great start for this year. Triple Science Class was my Option A because of my 虚荣心, and i'm really really regretting it. I've already thought it through this holidays, but it's already too late. So, I'll just have to push my way through Pure Biology, Chemistry and Physics, 3 Sciences in total.
Frankly, Science has been the subject i have the least interest in. And, now, and for the next 2 years, I Have to put interest in them.
JY, Yifan!
if this's a new start, i want everything to start nicely. i've made the names of the people i've been with this 2008 bold because it's already 2009 now.