Happy CNY folks!
And, if you look carefully, i'm sort of without fringe here. Never see before right.
Haha, then here's your lucky day!
Look at that yellow ball with the smiley face on it! Bought it ytd while on the way to CU for lunch w Rouyi. I call it my 'Stress Ball'. I just throw it all around when i feel pissed or something. I think it's a nice ball, because when you look at the ball, you'll starngely feel a little happier. Hhah, it cost me 50cents only. -.-
And, it looks so much like the keychain Jiawan and I are hanging on our identical bags!! :) SMILE laaa youu.
Slept at 2++ am yesterday, you know! This must be like my latest ever sleeping time. But, i didn't feel sleepy that night for god knows why. Was messaging w Vincent till 2 ++ am before i slept. !!! He loves to play guessing games w me and i don't like them. Keep asking me to guess lo. Guess what, i won't tell you. HAHA. He's like super lame and he owes me a red packet. I Don't Care if you deny that you do. :P
Happy Birthday, YiFang!
You've always been a really funny and nice friend to me,
You've always never failed to laugh at my lamest jokes,
You've always never failed to bring me joy,
You've always never failed to fail anyone,
You've always been there when i needed you.
Thanks, and I Love You, always. :)