May 3, 2009

Handsome, Gorgeous.

Hah. Let me give you an English Vocabulary lesson today.
Hey You, Don't yawn pleaaaase.
This word, I found interesting.

Adonis : [uh-don-is, uh-doh-nis]
a very handsome young man.

Heh heh. I bet, for girls, you're drooling already. Hmm, I've always thought that Adonis was a beauty shop name.

Now, I know. =D
Now, you know too!

HHAHA. Found that word while i was checking up the meanings of the words that appeared on my english worksheet. It's a super time-comsuming one.

Nah, I'm Gonna Finish It!
The finishing line is right in front of me!! I Can Do It.

Bye You.